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Empowering Security Teams through Advanced Analytics

April 18, 2022

Learn how advanced analytics can empower security teams to stay ahead of threats and protect their organizations.

Enterprises large and small require detailed analytics to make informed decisions relating to your security processes, response configurations, and more. Through this data, organizations can audit your online traffic - surfacing valuable trends, potential threats, and anomalies.  

Fully understanding the fraud and abuse lifecycle is the keystone of hCaptcha Enterprise. As such, hCaptcha is committed to providing you with the tools and the information needed to assess the health of your applications. 

By using hCaptcha event hooks, APIs, and dashboard analytics, you can arm yourself to make the right decisions to detect and deter bad actors without negatively impacting user experience. 

The Power of API Driven Feedback Loops

One way to think about analytics is that if an anti-abuse system is working well, the analytics are very boring: almost nothing is getting through, and no action is required.

Reaching this goal requires end-to-end understanding of the fraud and abuse lifecycle, and so hCaptcha Enterprise focuses on machine learning rather than laborious manual tagging.

Privacy-preserving data channels let you report signals and findings via APIs without sharing PII (personal information), allowing the learning system to spot new trends without manual input. When fully implemented, hCaptcha Enterprise customers have seen detection improvements of up to 10X vs. well-known alternatives.

Single Pane of Glass Monitoring

We believe the trend towards "single pane of glass" monitoring is the future. Instead of making you log into another tool, hCaptcha feeds give you the information you need to analyze risk within your existing systems, making traffic easily interpretable without needing to share your sensitive user data.

hCaptcha has a robust set of Metrics APIs to feed hCaptcha insights into your existing management systems. Integrating our signals and state data lets you use your existing dashboards and management systems to get a holistic view of your security-related data. 

hCaptcha also offers the industry's richest event hooks, providing both real-time and retrospective feedback bi-directionally. If an anomaly is detected after-the-fact, attack signatures will be sent to you via webhooks. This automated retrospective data allows you to find affected sessions and instantly remediate them, for example by freezing accounts or purchases related to the attack.

From session-level data to broad overviews, hCaptcha Enterprise APIs supply rich, meaningful data, providing you with total visibility into your online traffic. 

Dashboard Analytics

hCaptcha offers advanced analytics and reporting features within the dashboard. From broad overviews of your entire infrastructure to granular per-site metrics, comprehensive audits of your online properties can take seconds instead of hours.

Aggregated session data is readily available within the dashboard, providing a clear and succinct overview of the online property’s traffic. 

The Challenge tab provides a birds-eye view of the number of challenges shown, solved, and failed. 

The Drill-Down tab enables teams to dive into the details. Users can filter by groups, event types, countries, time frames, and more. 

Keeping System Behavior Easy to Interpret

Machine learning-powered systems can sometimes seem like a black box. hCaptcha Enterprise has been designed from the ground up to main interpretability at every step of the process, despite one of the world's most sophisticated edge-driven online learning approaches and ensemble results derived from many models on each request.

Enterprise customers can explore why a threat was flagged through human-readable summaries, letting internal teams easily and accurately assess the health of your traffic via metrics APIs and within the dashboard. 

A Holistic View for Better Decision Making

Privacy-first machine learning is at the core of all hCaptcha solutions. Through our sophisticated APIs and dashboard, you have access to all the information you need for both proactive and reactive management of user sessions. This ultimately benefits both your users and your applications.

To learn more about hCaptcha Enterprise and see it in action, reach out for a no-obligation pilot.

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